For many individuals, the loss of hair can be an unwelcome consequence of the natural aging process or certain medical conditions like alopecia. However, hair loss can be certain factors in our everyday life that we may not know of.

Identifying the different causes of hair loss can help you to understand your own individual situation and potentially find natural solutions that can help delay hair loss or even find some regrowth. Here are some common causes that could be underlying causes of your hair loss.

Anxiety and Stress
Too many people underestimate the major effects that anxiety and stress can have on the body. Stress can manifest in different ways, whether it is due to physical factors like illness or injury, or emotional factors like the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship. Excessive stress at work or school can have a negative impact on your body, leading to the overproduction of cortisol.

Stress and anxiety can lead to hair loss, and is often inaccurately diagnosed, especially in men, as male-pattern baldness. Sometimes changing a routine, adding meditation or other stress-relieving methods, getting proper sleep, and eating a healthy diet can find a restoration of stress and anxiety-induced hair loss.

Excessive Hair Styling
Believe it or not, the way you are styling your hair could potentially lead to hair loss. Wearing tight braids and ponytails may lead to traction alopecia, which can result in hair loss along the hairline.

Hair extensions that are attached with glue can potentially cause hair loss in certain areas if they are not carefully removed or regularly cleaned with alcohol-based solutions. Unfortunately, not all salons adhere to proper cleaning practices.

Chemical treatments such as bleaching and dyeing have the potential to harm your natural pigments, leading to increased hair loss in the future. This type of hair loss can be permanent.

Environmental Factors
Hair loss can also be caused by environmental factors like pollution, sun exposure, and even the water quality in your household.

Pollution can have an impact on your skin and hair follicles, as it contains various chemicals that can be absorbed. These chemicals can cause scalp irritation, potentially leading to inflammation or infection. Improper treatment can lead to permanent hair loss due to scarring of the skin around the follicle.

Excessive sun exposure can contribute to hair thinning on the top of your head. As we get older, our bodies produce less melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its color. This makes us more vulnerable to the sun’s harmful UV rays, especially when they directly hit our heads during the summer or when we spend time outdoors without protection like sunscreen or hats with brims that shield our faces from direct sunlight.

Hard water has a buildup of minerals, like calcium and magnesium. This creates a protective film on the hair, which can make it more challenging for moisture to enter. The hair becomes dry and more susceptible to breakage. Leaving these matters unresolved may potentially result in hair loss. Fortunately, there are businesses that help treat hard water, which can lead improvement in regaining hair lost due to hard water.

Schedule a Hair Loss Consultation
If you are concerned with hair loss and want to get an expert opinion, call Vital Men’s Health today! We can schedule a consultation and go over your unique situation, taking note of your environment, see if you have any consistent stressors in your life, and try to find a solution that works for you.

Not only does Vital Men’s health have hair loss treatment options, but we also offer hormonal solutions that could potentially help with any stress or hormonal imbalances that could also lead to hair loss. Call today!